TJ Falls

A Blog for Friends and Family

Microsoft’s “The New Efficiency” Event

Posted by TJ Falls On October - 28 - 2009

Arriving at the event check in!

Cisco presentation was first up followed by a Windows Phone presentation.

The Windows 7 presentations are about to begin.

Demo of some of Windows 7’s new features including Aero Peak.

…and the Recent Items/ Shortcut views directly from the taskbar

Microsoft’s “the NEW efficiency” presentation has come to an end.

The seminar has finished and we are all to receive copies of Windows 7 Ultimate. Great!  As I get my copy I notice that it’s a 32-bit only version…wha????  Who is the genius at Microsoft that OK’d distributing 32-bit only versions of a product (that sells with both 32 & 64-bit versions on it) at an IT Professional and Developer conference?  I doubt 10% of the audience has been running 32-bit for years!  We were able to turn in our copies and fill out a form so that we could receive a 64-bit version by mail in 4-6 weeks.  Sheesh.  Obviously one can’t get too upset when receiving something for free…it’s just a shame that after such an enjoyable day that I had to go home with such a bad taste in my mouth.  Well played Microsoft.

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