TJ Falls

A Blog for Friends and Family

Website To-Do: Image Gallery

Posted by TJ Falls On September - 24 - 2009

The Image Gallery has been officially launched.  I am running version 1.01 of my custom theme.  That being said, there are a few areas I would still like to update.

  • Image Gallery validates XHTML Strict 1.0 on all pages except the password protected galleries entry point.  I have 1 error.  I could solve the problem by having the page DOCTYPE be Transitional, however, I feel using Strict for the Image Gallery is the way to go.
  • To solve my validation problem, I plan on creating a new Password protected entry point web page.  This will allow me more flexibility than that I currently have utitilizing the password components of the core engine of the gallery.
  • I plan on creating a new 404 page for the Image Gallery.  This is low priority, but I’d like to create a consistent 404 page for the entire website.  Once I do that, I’ll morph that page into an Image Gallery specific 404 page that matches the theme.

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